Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reading - 2(A) - Latin Greek Roots

Reading/ Vocabulary Development
Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing

5(A) use prefixes and suffixes to determine the meanings of words
4(A) Identify the meaning of common prefixes (e.g. In-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g. –full, -less), and know how they change the meaning of roots
2(A) Determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes

Determine the meaning of grade level academic words derived from Latin roots

Determine the meaning of grade level academic words derived from Greek  roots

Determine the meaning of grade level academic words derived from other linguistic roots

And  affixes


Found this foldable on line -  The teachers seems to have made a growing bulletin board with these.  In the center of the foldable  is the root.  On the outside of each flap, the student writes a word that can be made using the root.  Beneath the flap is the definition of the new word.


Below is a chart that includes the latin and greek roots highlighted by Timothy Rasinski.  This may serve as a jumping off spot or words study.

Essential Latin & Greek Derivations Worth Teaching – Tim Rasinski
Ante - before
Centi – hundred
Micro – small
Pre – before
Tele – distant
Anti - against
Co – with, together
Mid – middle
Re – again
Tri – three
Auto – self
Extra – more, beyond
Mono – one
Semi/hemi – half
Ultra – beyond
Bi – two
Mega - large
Multi - many
Super - over
Uni - one

Other Word Parts
Aero – air
Dem – people
Mand – order
Photo – light
Struct – build
Aud – hear
Gram – write
Max – greatest
Polis – city
Terra – land
Biblio – book
Graph - write
Pod – foot
Port – carry
Therm – heat
Bio – life
Hydr – water
Phob – fear
Psych – mind
Volv – roll
Chron - time
Lab - work
Phon - sound
Scop - see
Vor - eat


  1. Here are some fun games I found for practicing greek and latin roots.



  2. Where did you find the root word foldable
